Please let me know when the print version is available -- unfortunately mine got pretty wrecked by the weather and I want to make sure I have a nice one for such a cool game.
Any chance for the print edition to come do amazon? It's the only way I can buy it (I live in Brazil and amazon nowadays is our only "savior" (the fees are still high, but managable)).
Unfortunately I don't have the capabilities to setup an Amazon store front. I do offer my pals in Brazil a discount on my digital goods on my website though:
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I love the expansion! So many new goodies.
Please let me know when the print version is available -- unfortunately mine got pretty wrecked by the weather and I want to make sure I have a nice one for such a cool game.
Nooooo!!!! Send me an email with your Backerkit email and I'll get you a replacement copy. :)
Hey Cassi!
Any chance for the print edition to come do amazon?
It's the only way I can buy it (I live in Brazil and amazon nowadays is our only "savior" (the fees are still high, but managable)).
Unfortunately I don't have the capabilities to setup an Amazon store front. I do offer my pals in Brazil a discount on my digital goods on my website though:
Wow, Cassi, thank you so much!
I understand that setting up a storefront can be challenging, but I really appreciate your help!
Started in on a game with a friend using the new stuff and we're having a lot of fun! A Divine and Dahlia make such an interesting pair!
Good luck with your studies!
Really cool supplement, Cassi. I love Tangled Blessings.
Glad you enjoy it!! Thank you for the kind words!